Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 5 "Shake Day"

Today was the first weigh-in day !!!

Sorry I didn't wear socks.
 I also regret not taking a picture of the scale the first day!
There it is, went from 257.2 to 248.0. THAT'S 9.2 POUNDS IN 
This morning when I woke up I made my first shake of the day, which as expected, was amazing...that's almost 3 days without eating a real meal. I still felt good today like I did yesterday, and I can definitely tell that my body is starting to have that "clean" feeling again.That is the best part of doing this for me. I feel like I can breathe much more easy, my taste buds feel like they are on crack or something cause everything has much more of a distinctive taste than I remember.

Last night I made what I was going to be having today for lunch.... epic. 

From the very first day, all I have been craving is Thai or Mexican food, and so I wanted to incorporate them together into one meal that would be under 600 calories. What I made was mind blowing....


The first thing that I made was hard boiled eggs. They are a good source of protein and pretty low in calories, especially if you take out the yolk! Now to the entree... I made something I named Thai Tacos. I used a Low-Sodium Low-Carb wrap cut in half. (Can be bought at almost all major grocery stores) The next ingredient is 1 medium sized chicken breast, boiled, and shredded. After shredded I added a LITTLE salt, cumin, and curry powder. (Keep in mind that I wasn't aloud to taste it because it was still a "Cleanse Day" ) On top of that I added about half a tablespoon of sour cream to each taco and topped it off with about 2 tablespoons of  salsa (Organic, and local) per taco. 

Over all, so far, I am very happy with this cleanse and what it has done for me. The next four days are pretty much going to be the same as today, so I might not post as much until Monday, which will be Day 9 and my very last shake day before two more "Deep Cleanse" days !  If something drastic happens I will post ! 

Take care ! 

Stephen C.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 4 "Cleanse Day"



This to certify that


Has successfully completed 


         Wednesday, October 23, 2013

...In all seriousness, I feel like I deserve a certificate. 

Today went insanely well. I drank my Cleanse for life four times today, took two Natural Accelerators, and I would estimate about 8 IsaSnacks (1 or 2 IsaSnacks every 1-2 hours). I had ORGANIC Chai tea this morning with no sweetener... I didn't mind the taste though. If there is one thing you do learn from the cleanse, is to always enjoy the simple things, you'll miss them most when they're gone.

Tomorrow I get to wake up and have a SHAKE!!! Even though I said it was not that good a couple days's going to be incredible tomorrow. 

I just made my lunch for tomorrow (Pictures will be on my next post) ... Let me just say I made something to ease my cravings for Mexican and Thai food, all in one meal, AND UNDER 600 CALORIES!!!  

To put all doubt to conclusion, it is 110% possible to get through the Cleanse Days without cheating! And its not as bad as it seems!

See ya in 5 Days Cleanse for Life!

Tomorrow is weigh in day! Check back for 
Day 5 "Shake Day" 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 3 "Cleanse Day"

Today couldn't have gone any better! I woke up this morning at 7:15. I began my day well rested because I fell asleep before 8:30 p.m. last night. I'm pretty sure that a good nights sleep is required for a day like today. After taking a shower and actually waking up, I began thinking about the fact that I wouldn't get an actual meal today!! I decided I needed a little motivation... I got on the scale even though I'm not supposed to weigh in until Day 5 (My next "Shake Day"). I WAS EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH WHAT I SAW... 
(cant wait to share my results with you on Day 5)  ;) 

Once settled in at work, around 8:30, I drank my first "Cleanse for Life."
Cleanse for Life
"Natural Rich Berry"
...After my first sip, I had a feeling I was going to be craving all of my favorite foods today. The juice is prepared 4 ounces of "Cleanse for Life" and 8 ounces of water! (Best if chilled, although I have heard that you can heat it up and have it like tea! may try that in the morning) To my surprise, I barely had any cravings, until I got home. Even then, the cravings weren't to hard to forget about or take my mind off of. During my first juice, I took my first Natural Accelerator followed by a IsaSnack...To be honest, at first, IsaSnacks were pretty chalky and had this awkward taste of chocolate, but at this point in the game they are pretty damn delicious! Overall today I had 7 or 8 IsaSnacks. Later on in the morning I decided to have my first herbal tea, I went with Organic Chai. I added half a packet of Truvia for a little bit of NATURAL sweetness. 
I had my last cleanse just before I left work today around 6:25 p.m. It is now quarter to nine and I am about to wrap up the day. I'm am very excited about my success thus far and EXTREMELY proud of myself! I can't wait for tomorrow because it is my last cleanse day (until Day 10 and 11) and I have high hopes that it will go as smoothly as today did!

"You're never too old to become younger."
-Mae West

......Ended my night with Organic Jasmine Green Tea, and this is the quote it had on the tag (ironic). Very motivating!!!

Oh yeah! I almost forgot!!!
Kangen Water if possible! 

Take care and see you on Day 4 !!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 2 Pre-Cleanse

Order's in!!!

Good evening, 

Today was my second Pre-Cleanse day! I would say it went "okay." Maybe it was because it was Monday, and just trying to get back into the swing of things at work after the weekend, I'm not sure. 

I woke up this morning at 7:15, fed the cats, and went straight to the blender. I made my shake and drank it within 15 minutes, also drank about about 60 ounces of water before hitting the shower. Keep in mind, your recommended water intake is half your body weight in ounces. Since I am on a cleanse where fasting is involved, I feel it is extremely helpful and important to DRINK AS MUCH WATER AS POSSIBLE. (You can never have too much water!) After settling down at work I took my first Natural Accelerator of the day. 

The morning went well and as soon as lunch hit (12 p.m.) I heated up leftover chicken and zucchini. Instead of a salad, I just brought about 10 slices of cucumber as my side. It was the most delicious meal of the day, as well as the only meal of the day. 

After lunch passed I started to get a headache. I hardly ever get headaches, but when I do, they are pretty bad. I think that this one is the result of cutting out caffeine. I'm a pretty big fan of coffee, and would usually drink about 4 cups a day. At that point of caffeine addiction, withdrawal is inevitable.  

I left work at about 6:30 this evening and once again, went straight to the blender, and because my order came in today I got to try the dairy-free shakes (Natural Berry Harvest). I liked the consistency of this shake more because it wasn't as thick and was more like a smoothie. The taste? ehhh. For some reason it reminded me of cough syrup or something. But hey, you know I was damn happy to drink it, I was starving! Today I ate about 5 snack so I'm probably going to have another one in about an hour or so and drink A LOT of Kangen water! 

Although today was a bit more rough, I am not discouraged. Tomorrow will be the first "Cleanse Day" so we will see where it goes from there! 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 1 Pre-Cleanse

Welcome back!

Day one has gone very well for me. I'm not sure if that is because I was so busy running around today or because I had an extremely late start to the day from hanging out all night with friends :/ ... I'm not going to be able to drink beer for the next 11 days, give me a break!

Around 12 p.m. I was finally up and running. I was surprisingly excited to have my first shake of the day. My order of Isagenix didn't come in this weekend like we had anticipated, so I had to make do with what I had. I used the french vanilla shakes today.. that tasted okay for being a meal and a shake. Followed by my shake, I took one Natural Accelerator.

Later on I met Brittany and her roommate Hendley (Also doing the 11-day Cleanse) at the office to take "before" pictures (will be posted on Day 11) and get measurements, as well as fill up my water jugs with Kangen 9.5 water... Here are my official stats as of today:

Weight: 257.2
Height: 6'3"
Body Mass Index: 32.1

Hips: 45.5 inches
Chest: 47.5 inches
Waist: 45 inches
Thigh: 25.5 inches
Arm: 13 inches

After all was said and done we moved on with our day... 

Throughout the day I only ate 3 of the IsaSnacks..which taste interesting, but they did their job and suppressed my appetite until it was dinner time. I got such a late start on the day, I decided to hold off on the second Natural Accelerator and do dinner around 7 p.m. Each day that I am allowed a meal, I will post a picture of what I had! 

I missed breakfast, Therefore I have already had two meals for today. I decided to just drink water for the rest of the night and if I get really hungry I will eat an IsaSnack!

 Thank you again for checking out my blog!!

750mL of Kangen
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast

sprinkled with mozzarella,
Low sodium seasonings, Cherry Tomato's
and Zucchini.

Salad- Arugula, Cherry Tomato's, Cucumber Slices,
Mozzarella (Very little) and my favorite salad dressing (2 tbsp)
2 IsaLean shakes (only drank one)
IsaSnacks (had 3 today)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Getting to know me...

Before- About 315 lbs. 2008
After - About 209 lbs 2011


Thank you for checking out my blog as I go on this 11 day journey to better health. For the next 11 days, I will be challenging myself and setting goals for myself for the public to view. Although I am extremely excited, I am just as nervous. Throughout this next week and a half, I have decided to do a cleanse through Isagenix. Most people are unfamiliar with cleansing and its benefits on the human body. The way I see it, it's a good way to get all the "crud" out. Of course weight loss is a HUGE benefit for me as well, but I am not expecting to reach my goal weight or anything by doing this cleanse. I'm doing it for motivation and to get back in shape mentally and physically. I am also trying to prepare myself for the next couple of months so I WILL be able to meet my goal weight by next summer. 

Isagenix is an awesome way to "reset" your body and get prepared for losing weight. There are 2 days of pre-cleanse  before beginning the 9-day Cleanse (11 days total). These first two days are designed to prepare your body for the actual cleansing process.

Okay...Now let me give you a little history of myself and my health.

My name is Stephen Carbone, I am 23 years old, 6'3" and weighing about 255 lbs. 

My weight has always been a struggle for me until recent years when I decided to take control. I graduated from Lee-Davis High School in 2008. I weighed the most I ever have that year, 315 POUNDS!!! After graduating I worked full time at Dairy Queen :/ ... Talk about a 315 pounders dream life...Shortly after, I applied for a job working for Carnival Cruise Lines hoping to get away for a little while and figure out what I was going to do with my life. I knew the Cruise Director at the time so I knew I would get the job, or I thought. Long story short, I sold my car in order to pay for all the medical testing that was required (shots,blood testing, ect.) Sent it in and a couple days later received a phone call from the man hiring me saying "Unfortunately we are not allowed to hire anyone who has BODY MASS INDEX over 33%." .... SHIT.

Next couple months I was riding my bike to work (about two miles one way)  this is what made me motivated to get into shape for the first time in 18 years. I put the blizzards down and started my journey. Time passed, my weight dropped down to about 270. In December of 2009 I was hired at deBarros Chiropractic Clinic. This is where everything changed for me regarding my health (No, I wasn't paid to say that). My co-worker and good friend Shannon, motivated me and was there for every step of the way to make sure I reached my goals, and I did. By the end of 2010 I was in the best shape I have ever been, weighing in at 209 lbs.!!!!!!!! My friends and family were amazed...or thought I was doing some sort of illegal drug, I never could tell, nor did I care. I looked and felt amazing and girls were noticing me more and more, it was awesome.

How did I do it?

I worked out religiously, sometimes twice in one day. I started a 30 day cleanse, but I will be honest, I didn't follow the rules like I was supposed to, which I also didn't beat myself over because I was working out so much that I needed to eat more that 400-600 calories a day. I could tell my energy levels were increased while on the cleanse and my body felt "Clean."

Time passed, somewhere and somehow I lost motivation to get myself in the gym and maintain my health. My Ideal weight was about 215 lbs. THIS IS MY GOAL. 

40 lbs. is what I want to lose and I know this cleanse is going to kick start it. The difference from this cleanse and the last time I did it? I will follow all the rules. NO CHEATING. Everything done exactly the way it says to. I'm nervous, but not incapable. 

Thank you again for following me during this and we will see what happens during the next 11 days! 

Check out Brittany's blog at 


We will be posting pictures and videos through out this cleanse here so keep checking back to see how we are doing!