Thursday, October 24, 2013

Day 5 "Shake Day"

Today was the first weigh-in day !!!

Sorry I didn't wear socks.
 I also regret not taking a picture of the scale the first day!
There it is, went from 257.2 to 248.0. THAT'S 9.2 POUNDS IN 
This morning when I woke up I made my first shake of the day, which as expected, was amazing...that's almost 3 days without eating a real meal. I still felt good today like I did yesterday, and I can definitely tell that my body is starting to have that "clean" feeling again.That is the best part of doing this for me. I feel like I can breathe much more easy, my taste buds feel like they are on crack or something cause everything has much more of a distinctive taste than I remember.

Last night I made what I was going to be having today for lunch.... epic. 

From the very first day, all I have been craving is Thai or Mexican food, and so I wanted to incorporate them together into one meal that would be under 600 calories. What I made was mind blowing....


The first thing that I made was hard boiled eggs. They are a good source of protein and pretty low in calories, especially if you take out the yolk! Now to the entree... I made something I named Thai Tacos. I used a Low-Sodium Low-Carb wrap cut in half. (Can be bought at almost all major grocery stores) The next ingredient is 1 medium sized chicken breast, boiled, and shredded. After shredded I added a LITTLE salt, cumin, and curry powder. (Keep in mind that I wasn't aloud to taste it because it was still a "Cleanse Day" ) On top of that I added about half a tablespoon of sour cream to each taco and topped it off with about 2 tablespoons of  salsa (Organic, and local) per taco. 

Over all, so far, I am very happy with this cleanse and what it has done for me. The next four days are pretty much going to be the same as today, so I might not post as much until Monday, which will be Day 9 and my very last shake day before two more "Deep Cleanse" days !  If something drastic happens I will post ! 

Take care ! 

Stephen C.

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