Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 3 "Cleanse Day"

Today couldn't have gone any better! I woke up this morning at 7:15. I began my day well rested because I fell asleep before 8:30 p.m. last night. I'm pretty sure that a good nights sleep is required for a day like today. After taking a shower and actually waking up, I began thinking about the fact that I wouldn't get an actual meal today!! I decided I needed a little motivation... I got on the scale even though I'm not supposed to weigh in until Day 5 (My next "Shake Day"). I WAS EXTREMELY HAPPY WITH WHAT I SAW... 
(cant wait to share my results with you on Day 5)  ;) 

Once settled in at work, around 8:30, I drank my first "Cleanse for Life."
Cleanse for Life
"Natural Rich Berry"
...After my first sip, I had a feeling I was going to be craving all of my favorite foods today. The juice is prepared 4 ounces of "Cleanse for Life" and 8 ounces of water! (Best if chilled, although I have heard that you can heat it up and have it like tea! may try that in the morning) To my surprise, I barely had any cravings, until I got home. Even then, the cravings weren't to hard to forget about or take my mind off of. During my first juice, I took my first Natural Accelerator followed by a IsaSnack...To be honest, at first, IsaSnacks were pretty chalky and had this awkward taste of chocolate, but at this point in the game they are pretty damn delicious! Overall today I had 7 or 8 IsaSnacks. Later on in the morning I decided to have my first herbal tea, I went with Organic Chai. I added half a packet of Truvia for a little bit of NATURAL sweetness. 
I had my last cleanse just before I left work today around 6:25 p.m. It is now quarter to nine and I am about to wrap up the day. I'm am very excited about my success thus far and EXTREMELY proud of myself! I can't wait for tomorrow because it is my last cleanse day (until Day 10 and 11) and I have high hopes that it will go as smoothly as today did!

"You're never too old to become younger."
-Mae West

......Ended my night with Organic Jasmine Green Tea, and this is the quote it had on the tag (ironic). Very motivating!!!

Oh yeah! I almost forgot!!!
Kangen Water if possible! 

Take care and see you on Day 4 !!!

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