Saturday, October 19, 2013

Getting to know me...

Before- About 315 lbs. 2008
After - About 209 lbs 2011


Thank you for checking out my blog as I go on this 11 day journey to better health. For the next 11 days, I will be challenging myself and setting goals for myself for the public to view. Although I am extremely excited, I am just as nervous. Throughout this next week and a half, I have decided to do a cleanse through Isagenix. Most people are unfamiliar with cleansing and its benefits on the human body. The way I see it, it's a good way to get all the "crud" out. Of course weight loss is a HUGE benefit for me as well, but I am not expecting to reach my goal weight or anything by doing this cleanse. I'm doing it for motivation and to get back in shape mentally and physically. I am also trying to prepare myself for the next couple of months so I WILL be able to meet my goal weight by next summer. 

Isagenix is an awesome way to "reset" your body and get prepared for losing weight. There are 2 days of pre-cleanse  before beginning the 9-day Cleanse (11 days total). These first two days are designed to prepare your body for the actual cleansing process.

Okay...Now let me give you a little history of myself and my health.

My name is Stephen Carbone, I am 23 years old, 6'3" and weighing about 255 lbs. 

My weight has always been a struggle for me until recent years when I decided to take control. I graduated from Lee-Davis High School in 2008. I weighed the most I ever have that year, 315 POUNDS!!! After graduating I worked full time at Dairy Queen :/ ... Talk about a 315 pounders dream life...Shortly after, I applied for a job working for Carnival Cruise Lines hoping to get away for a little while and figure out what I was going to do with my life. I knew the Cruise Director at the time so I knew I would get the job, or I thought. Long story short, I sold my car in order to pay for all the medical testing that was required (shots,blood testing, ect.) Sent it in and a couple days later received a phone call from the man hiring me saying "Unfortunately we are not allowed to hire anyone who has BODY MASS INDEX over 33%." .... SHIT.

Next couple months I was riding my bike to work (about two miles one way)  this is what made me motivated to get into shape for the first time in 18 years. I put the blizzards down and started my journey. Time passed, my weight dropped down to about 270. In December of 2009 I was hired at deBarros Chiropractic Clinic. This is where everything changed for me regarding my health (No, I wasn't paid to say that). My co-worker and good friend Shannon, motivated me and was there for every step of the way to make sure I reached my goals, and I did. By the end of 2010 I was in the best shape I have ever been, weighing in at 209 lbs.!!!!!!!! My friends and family were amazed...or thought I was doing some sort of illegal drug, I never could tell, nor did I care. I looked and felt amazing and girls were noticing me more and more, it was awesome.

How did I do it?

I worked out religiously, sometimes twice in one day. I started a 30 day cleanse, but I will be honest, I didn't follow the rules like I was supposed to, which I also didn't beat myself over because I was working out so much that I needed to eat more that 400-600 calories a day. I could tell my energy levels were increased while on the cleanse and my body felt "Clean."

Time passed, somewhere and somehow I lost motivation to get myself in the gym and maintain my health. My Ideal weight was about 215 lbs. THIS IS MY GOAL. 

40 lbs. is what I want to lose and I know this cleanse is going to kick start it. The difference from this cleanse and the last time I did it? I will follow all the rules. NO CHEATING. Everything done exactly the way it says to. I'm nervous, but not incapable. 

Thank you again for following me during this and we will see what happens during the next 11 days! 

Check out Brittany's blog at 


We will be posting pictures and videos through out this cleanse here so keep checking back to see how we are doing! 

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