Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 4 "Cleanse Day"



This to certify that


Has successfully completed 


         Wednesday, October 23, 2013

...In all seriousness, I feel like I deserve a certificate. 

Today went insanely well. I drank my Cleanse for life four times today, took two Natural Accelerators, and I would estimate about 8 IsaSnacks (1 or 2 IsaSnacks every 1-2 hours). I had ORGANIC Chai tea this morning with no sweetener... I didn't mind the taste though. If there is one thing you do learn from the cleanse, is to always enjoy the simple things, you'll miss them most when they're gone.

Tomorrow I get to wake up and have a SHAKE!!! Even though I said it was not that good a couple days's going to be incredible tomorrow. 

I just made my lunch for tomorrow (Pictures will be on my next post) ... Let me just say I made something to ease my cravings for Mexican and Thai food, all in one meal, AND UNDER 600 CALORIES!!!  

To put all doubt to conclusion, it is 110% possible to get through the Cleanse Days without cheating! And its not as bad as it seems!

See ya in 5 Days Cleanse for Life!

Tomorrow is weigh in day! Check back for 
Day 5 "Shake Day" 

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